Is the only way to view the bios setting through that initial BIOS set up page or is there some other way it can viewed?
I see I cannot find a way to do it on my own laptop. I have tried different ways.
I tried calling up the bios settings as I started my laptop (manufactured 2003). I found nothing having to do with being able to choose to start up automatically after a blackout.
I tried several emergency boot cd's. Each has many (free) utilities for computer management. (Many are DOS programs.) A few of them report that my laptop has APM (advanced power management). None allows me to set it to start up automatically after a blackout.
I started my laptop normally in Windows XP. Opened System Properties control panel.
Clicked tab Advanced.
Found heading 'Startup and Recovery'. Clicked 'Settings'.
Found heading 'System failure'. Has option 'automatically restart'. Next to it is a checkbox. A checkmark in the box means the computer will restart automatically after a BSOD (blue screen of death). However it did not start up when I plugged in the power cord, after having removed it 30 seconds previous.
The Windows XP 'Power options' control panel did not have a setting to start up after a blackout.
It could be a question as to which era your computer is from. The older ones apparently were easier to command to start-up after a blackout.
Then there could have been a point where only network server computers made it an open and easy process. They have to administer a network immediately when power resumes.