How to authenticate 2 phone numbers of one phone line

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Newbie level 3
Apr 4, 2007
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Hello everybody,

Let me show you all what I want to do:

Let say, I have 10 employees calling ONE office phone line.
But I want two of them with the phone number ; 457 297-1344 and 450 297-1450 to activate automatiquely a device once calling (don't want PBX involved).

My concern is how can I make these two phone numbers to be authenticate.

So I tought, If I use a MT8841(caller id) and use a comparator to compare the coming call phone number to the number stored (in this case 4572971344 and 4502971450) this should work. Am'I right?

How do you see that setup. Is one PIC can do all the work ??? Should I use a PIC (in this case wish one)? EEPROM....and comparator???? What is your best guess? tks/Charlie

Basic phone

Well, the MT8841 seems to be obsolete in my web searches. Another way to do this is to use a PC, personal computer. While it seems like overkill, you can get working PCs for less than $20. Then all you need is a cheap modem to access the phone line and a some software. A quick web search revealed several shareware and freeware programs that can read the caller id. In addition to that program, all you need is a script to compare against the two phone numbers.
If you only need one of these and space exists for the PC, then it could be easily assembled from surplus PC parts for less than $100. If you have to buy the caller ID chip, the microcontroller, make a PCB etc your single item costs add up quickly. Just a thought.

Re: Basic phone

use a ring detctor & then dievert the calls from the main station to other or use a 2-1 line phione that can be used to transfer the calls

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