how to amplify signal

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Advanced Member level 4
Nov 29, 2004
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how to amplify coax signal

i wanna amplify the output signal of my rca tv outputs so that it reaches another tv 25 meter away .
how can i proceed to get that stuff working . thanks


if the output of your tv is video signal and audio signal saperated (not rf signal) u will need to remodulate the signals and bourdcast them to the other tv
i suggest u could use an old vcr mixer/modulator box u gust need to feed it with the vedio and audio signal and its power will be enughf to reach the other tv

ok , sounds good , but how can i do that , got some schematics or somethin'??
did anyone try to do that before ??
thanks .

There's something I can't understand here.Why do you need to amplify the videosignal in order to send it through a 25m cable?
I am sure that a good 75 ohm coaxial will do.
If you want to send it "trough the air",this is another story.You can use the modulator inside a VCR,then amplify it with a standard cable TV amplifier and send it through an antenna.Or you can buy a so-called "sender" that will do the same job.

ok , i wanna use the rca output of the tv ( the audio , video cable )
not the rf one . can i still use a coaxial cable ??
usually we use a coaxil cable with RF outputs and inputs .
thanks .

Coaxial cables are used for audio, video, rf or anywhere else where assymetrical connection is needed.
If you use cheap coaxial cable for your connection you may need video cable corrector to compensate frequency dependent losses and thus prevent signal degradation.

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