How to adjust the default increment of 1 to 2?

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Advanced Member level 4
Feb 22, 2012
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Hello Everyone!

Pleas let me know how should I write so that the increment would be by 2. I understand that this code will increment the value of cnt++ by one up to 255. Help me make it by two's please, THanks


Just change the cnt++ to cnt+=2

cnt is the variable, ++ means increment by 1, += means add the given number to the variable

if (kp != oldstate) { // Pressed key differs from previous
cnt = 1;
oldstate = kp;
else { // Pressed key is same as previous

Lcd_Chr(1, 10, kp); // Print key ASCII value on LCD

if (cnt == 255) { // If counter varialble overflow
cnt = 0;
Lcd_Out(2, 10, " ");

WordToStr(m, txt); // Transform counter value to string
Lcd_Out(2, 10, txt);
Thank you sir, I appreciate it much ^_^

Can you clarify, why you need to increment this variable by 2 instead 1? It could generate some troubles in your code. I think condition

Code C - [expand]
if (cnt == 255)

could be missed in some situations. Maybe change it to

Code C - [expand]
if (cnt >= 255)


That will work if cnt is a 16 bit (or more) variable, not if it's an 8 bit, since it will never be more than 255 and will roll over from 254 to 0, missing the test again.

Its only for display purposes sir ^_^, im not using it to other complicated codes.

That will work if cnt is a 16 bit (or more) variable, not if it's an 8 bit, since it will never be more than 255 and will roll over from 254 to 0, missing the test again.

Hello Sir FoxyRick,

How about if I do the other way around. Say if I press another botton it will decrease by two, should I use cnt-- and then cnt-=2?

cnt-- will subtract 1 from cnt.

cnt-=2 will subtract 2 from cnt.

You do not need to do both of them (if you do, you will subtract 3 all together)

cnt-- will subtract 1 from cnt.

cnt-=2 will subtract 2 from cnt.

You do not need to do both of them (if you do, you will subtract 3 all together)

ok i got it thanks ^^

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