How to add Ref. Des. as Copper on Bottom side of the board?

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Mar 30, 2012
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I have some components on the Bottom side of the board. But I am not going to use Silkscreen Bottom! So I think that I need to add Ref. Des. to these components on the Bottom Layer as copper, am I right? So how can I add these Ref. Des. in PADS Layout? I need Ref. Des. at least for Test Points...

Yes you can do it in copper.


Is it possible to make such ref. des. automatically for chosen components? Or I need to add each one individually by writting a simple text on Bottom Layer?

You can define different footprint for these typr of components with ref des in copper layer but that will increase your library database. Better way is as Keith suggested.
You can define different footprint for these typr of components with ref des in copper layer but that will increase your library database. Better way is as Keith suggested.

So I need to add each one individually by writting a simple text on Bottom Layer?

So I need to add each one individually by writting a simple text on Bottom Layer?

Yes. You could make new components with the component ID in copper - it depends on how many different components are involved and how often you are planning to do it. If you have 50 resistors you need to put on the underside of the PCB and want the ID in copper then it would be worthwhile creating a special resistor to do that.


It is necessary to open the component and write the text on bottom layer, am I right? But it does not allow me to add Ref. Des. as such text, so the Ref. Des. will not change on the Layout according to component's number...

That is specific to the software you are using. I am fairly sure that I could easily do it with Eagle because the reference text is referred to as ">name" and can be added anywhere.

So, I think you are stuck with adding it manually, or possibly creating the bottom copper mask by combining the silk screen layer and the bottom copper. the snag with that method is you won't get any design rule checking of the "silk screen" data on the copper layer.

You can simply change the ref. des text to the required copper layer in PADS.

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