How the AMS (Analog and Mixed Signals) interfaces works on board ?

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Jul 30, 2010
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Can you please tell me how the AMS (Analog and Mixed Signals) interfaces works on board ?

Because when we are simulating the AMS circuits with Cadence AMS tool (Virtuoso), during the simulation they will insert interface components like A2D/D2A or E2R/R2E or L2E/E2L etc,

But in our actual board how it works?

Is there any another components which will replace these components on the board?

I'm not familiar with Cadence so not sure what you are referring to. I assume A2D/D2A are ADC (analog to digital converter) and DAC (digital to analog converter) but I'm not sure what the other two are.

ADCs and DACs are quite common integrated circuits and built by many IC manufacturers with various speed and resolution ranges, depending upon the circuit requirements.

Hi crutschow, Thank you for your reply.

So if there is an interface between an analog and a digital, there we need to connect a A2D/D2A on the board.

Is there any way to interface the digital block to analog without these interfaces?

Hi crutschow, Thank you for your reply.

So if there is an interface between an analog and a digital, there we need to connect a A2D/D2A on the board.

Is there any way to interface the digital block to analog without these interfaces?
If there were, then we wouldn't need the interfaces. ;-)

You do understand the fundamental difference between digital and analog signals? They are like oil and water, they don't mix without an interface.

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