i have planned to design SMPS with 5V, 40A output, i got the below circuit from internet , can you please explain the circuit how it works? i need to know after secondary winding of the transformer T2 and transistor q1 and q2 working.
Looking at the upper half of the schematic...
It looks as though Q1 and Q2 chop DC into AC.
T1 steps it down to several secondary outputs where it is rectified to various voltages and polarities.
T2 is a single component but it is split up so its primary is drawn at one spot, and its secondary is drawn at another spot. It appears to play a part in the regulating circuit (which occupies the lower half of the schematic).
Someone more knowledgeable than me would need to spend some time examining the schematic, to give you details of operation.
A simpler design than this would be able to give you what you want.