how muh of voltage i have to give for the current output DAC

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Junior Member level 3
Sep 30, 2008
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Iam using the DAC (AD5422),the out put of the DAC in current(0-20mA,4-20mA) and voltage . what is the voltage i have to provide to the current output of the DAC to form the loop

The output current would be summed against the
output voltage through a feedback resistor, to get
a voltage DAC output in the end. That makes a "virtual
ground" (or common mode voltage) which you would
be best off making match what you see in test figures
for the linearity / error parameters. On older +/-15V
parts this is commonly ground potential but single-
supply systems will have a VCM chosen instead. If
output current is unidirectional then another resistor
from a reference voltage may be used to provide
the offset, summed into the same node as the DAC

Re: how muh of voltage i have to give for the current output

The DAC5422 generates the current and voltage outputs.when iam using the Current output from the DAC,how the loop will be completed and should i need to provide any voltage to complete the loop

Re: how muh of voltage i have to give for the current output

Thanks Sir,

In the application they are not given any voltage in the output of current except the protection diodes.then how do i connect this current as a input in the other side.

Re: how muh of voltage i have to give for the current output

Simple example:

Rload = 250 Ohm
Imin = 0.00mA
Imax = 20 mA
Umax = 5.000V
Umin = 0.000V

Power supply: according to the data sheet and application notes.

several configurations:

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