How many MegaPixel does a human eye have?

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Aug 5, 2006
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how many megapixels is the human eye

Not an important question thou, but makes me curious.
How many mega pixel does a human eye have? Any info on this?
Some website calculate 576 Mpix but they forget that our vision is an array of photosensitive neurons...instead they calculated with angle of view and else...cells and neuron can be calculated thou

Some book said that we have 100million light sensitive receptor (intensity only, black and white) and 6 million color sensitive receptor. That explain why we have night vision when we open our eyes in the dark. is it true we have 106Mpix? What is the digital camera equivalent of this (with 36 x 24mm sensor)?

how many pixels does the human eye have

It is wrong sense of calculation of human eye perception.
as you mentioned the human eye just sees the image but the actual creation of image is done in by the nerves, nuerons of the brain. So the picture what we see and the clarity is not a term which could be calculated in terms of pixels as pixels are calculated in a mage created by a single entity or system, but here it involves many parts of the body. In the creation of a human face the eyes, nose,mouth, cheecks, eyebrows, etc are stored in different parts of memory. so these parts are brought to a centralised place in the brains by the neurons and a made as a picture and the person is interpreted as XYZ. All this takes place in few nanosec.
So pixel calculation is not done for the image created by the human brain. ya but many websites give theories and explaination, but if we find the correct meaning of the word pixel, and understand the neuron activity in brain, these websites expalination are all false.
More over image pixel does not depend focus of lens, but human eyes power changes when ever it has to create an image or the factor of shortsightedness and longsightedness caomes into picture for pixel calculation.

how many megapixels is the human eye?

Pixels are used for digital image processing. well eye is not digital.

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