how Machine language works..

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Sep 11, 2007
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how machine language works


How does the microcontroller come to know that when i enter e.g. '1100 1011 ' then it has to transfer data from Register to Accumulator..

This is the basic and very important question..


explanation of how machine language works

Depends on the MCU architecture.

1.) For example PIC 16 and 18 families have their operands embedded in the instruction. Therefore each machine cycle must have a a instruction decoder before looking into the operand.

Most MCU systems decodes instruction by set of instruction decoders. They are simply a large collection of combinatorial circuits corresponding to each instruction.

how accumulator machine work

neoaspilet11 said:
Therefore each machine cycle must have a a instruction decoder before looking into the operand.

They are simply a large collection of combinatorial circuits corresponding to each instruction.

That means.. there is one instruction decoder register..

and a large number of circuits are linked with that register..

till now Thanks..

Now one more question arises..

transfering of data from register to accumulator e.g. requires four steps..

so how these four tasks are done in one machine cycle..

Again " how does the control unit comes to know that.. this step is to be performed after this step.. "



how computer machine language works

It depends on the control unit and cpu architecture.for example in RISC architercture with pipeline each step work at the same time that others work that is each step calculate and do some work and send data to other steps. like a assembly section of a factory. each section do some work and send it to other section.but for example in serial architectures there is a counter that counts the steps and its output go to a decoder then in every step the decoder enables one section. if u want complete understanding about the cu and microcontrollers read computer orginigation written by Pattersone. or u can read computer architecture written by Moris mano. the latest is simpler then the first. at the end sorry for my bad writing.

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