LO leakage depends on perfect impedance matching which is often frequency dependent. To compensate for filter, load or amplifier impedance mismatch effects on the MIXER LEAKAGE, one can improve LO leakage by injecting a small amount in the reverse direction of output stage of a directional coupler with an equal amplitude and opposite phase.
Phase cannot be measured of the LO leakage vs frequency , but Amplitude can be measured, if no input signal is applied with the detector diode (cut-off in the photo top-right )
By sweeping I & Q bias the level to control amplitude and phase on the cancellation signal , which is then attenuation by the return loss of the Directional Coupler the optimum LO Leakage can be determined by the minimal output on the Forward DETECTOR diode. ( this analogous to an echo chancel) I & Q are 90deg spaced signals from the LO's 3.5dB splitter and 10dB boost Amp.
To minimize loss in this stage the Directional Coupler (DC) can be chosen with lower loss and small taps like -15 to -20 dB. ( e.g. DC-15, DC-20) The LO must be boosted 10dB in order to cover a certain range of mismatch from poor return loss from LO to output which results in the leakage thru to output.
This is a classic approach used by Network Analyzers to obtain very high performance. Now with DSP radio's , and requirements for low LO leakage to antenna, this make modest improvements , when all other methods of impedance matching and effects on Mixer cannot be improved.
This requirement comes from making mixers operating with input frequencies over 9 decades (Hz to GHz) which normally function well in only a limited range of 1 or 2 decades and gives exceptionally good results not obtainable by conventional design. The IQ levels would then be stored in memory until some manual or auto-calibration cycle for updates.