Usually the noise is quantified in terms of power-density with respect to the bandwidth, that is (using "dB" values) dBm/Hz. It can also be expressed in voltage as V/sqrt(Hz) or current as A/sqrt(Hz).
Then, if you have, for instance, a constant power density (that is power over 1Hz bandwith) of -70dBm/sqrt(Hz) over a BW=5kHz, then the total noise power over that bandwidth will be Pn=-70+10*Log(5000)=-33 dBm. If you have, instead voltage or current units, to convert to power you need to know the resistance on which it is applied and use P=V^/R or P=R*I^2 (and, if you want a log form, convert to dBm).
In you post you wrote -70 dB, but dB is not a measurement unit; it represent instead the ratio between two quantities expressed in log-form.
In the picture the title is power(dB) that is wrong: to express power in "dB" you have to use dBm (power referred to 1mW), dBW (power referred to 1W), an so on. The y-axis is in dBV that is a voltage, not a power.