How is IPv6 different from previous IP?

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Aug 15, 2006
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what is IPv6?
what is its different with current IP?

Re: IPv6

There are actually quite a lot of differences. Here are some:

1. LARGER ADDRESS SPACE : An IPv6 address is 128 bits long as compared to 32 bits for IPv4. This is a HUGE increase in address space (2^96)

2. BETTER HEADER FORMAT: IPv6 uses a new header format in which options are separated from the base header and inserted, when needed, b/w the base header and the upper layer data. This simplifies and speeds up the routing process b/c most of the options do not need to be checked by routers.

3. NEW OPTIONS: New options to allow for additional functionalities.

4. ALLOWANCE FOR EXTENSION : IPv6 is designed to allow the extension ofthe protocol if required by new technologies or applications.

5. SUPPORT FOR RESOURCE ALLOCATION: "type-of-service" field has been removed but a mechanism called "flow label" has been added to enable the source to request special handling of the packet. This mechanism can be used to support traffic such as real-time audio and video.

6. SUPPORT FOR MORE SECURITY: The encryption and authentication options in IPv6 provide confidentiality and integrity of the packet.

- DATA COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING 3rd edition (Behrouz A. Forouzan)

hope this helps./

Re: IPv6

There are several major differences between IPV4 and IPV6. The first noticeable difference is the address size. IPV6 is 16 bytes long, providing us with a virtually unlimited supply of addresses. A second improvement with IPV6 is the size of the header. The header now contains 7 fields (13 in IPV4). The smaller header size allows for faster packet processing than ever before.

Another improvement with IPV6 is in the area of security. Privacy and security features are always of utmost concern.

IPV6 solves network addressing limitations by replacing IPV4's 32-bit address with a 128-bit address. Despite major advances, IPV6 has been slow to catch on and few commercial products supporting the new protocol are available.

As small pockets of IPV6 networks grow, they will merge into larger and larger pockets. Eventually, all of the IPV6 pockets will become one, and a new Internet will be fully deployed.


what different between IPv5 and IPv6


Re: IPv6

there's no IPv5...its IPv6 after IPv4....

Re: IPv6

Copied from

But, what ever happened to IPv5?

IPng, Internet Protocol next generation, was conceived in 1994 with a goal for implementations to start flooding out by 1996 (yeah, like that ever happened). IPv6 was supposed to be the “god-send” over the well-used IPv4: it increased the number of bytes used in addressing from 4 bytes to 16 bytes, it introduced anycast routing, it removed the checksum from the IP layer, and lots of other improvements. One of the fields kept, of course, was the version field — these 8 bits identify this IP header as being of version “4″ when there is a 4 in there, and presumably they would use a “5″ to identify this next gen version. Unfortunately, that “5″ was already given to something else.

In the late 1970’s, a protocol named ST — The Internet Stream Protocol — was created for the experimental transmission of voice, video, and distributed simulation. Two decades later, this protocol was revised to become ST2 and started to get implemented into commercial projects by groups like IBM, NeXT, Apple, and Sun. Wow did it differ a lot. ST and ST+ offered connections, instead of its connection-less IPv4 counterpart. It also guaranteed QoS. ST and ST+, were already given that magical “5″.

And now as the Internet clock ticks, our PCs don’t use IPv5. So we’re moving onto 6.

Hossam Alzomor

Re: IPv6

behy said:
what is IPv6?
what is its different with current IP?

IPv6 is internet protocol version 6 and the current IP is IPV4.. Ipv6 has many advantages than IPv4 such as more address space, extended header, low header processing and many options in extended header field.. U can refer William Stallings book for more info..


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