How i control 89c51 with External modem

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You need to use RS232 and ATCommnd !

You need to use RS232 and ATCommnd !

AT commnd are spesipic for some modem your modem menufecture
should supply you the "AT Command st "

if you whant to connect to the internet you also need to use full


J_expoler1 said:
How i control External modem with 89c51 use RS232


In 8051 add IC-L232 (rs232 driver), please read manual.
The TX connect to RX 8051, RX connect to TX 8051.

RS-232 Output (L-232) connect to Modem.


- Set baudrate 8051 (depend your crystal) with the same baudrate in modem.

- Use AT command for example to dial:
send string 'ATDT460393' to serial 8051 will dial telephone number 460393.

Note: Every string sending to serial 8051 please add Linefeed (0x0A) and CR (0x0D) character.

Best regard

if i can dial to terminal can i communication with terminal (terminal use MCS51+MODEM too) how i do it to communication by RS232

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