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how i can build an equation for the signal from excel data sheet

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Newbie level 3
Newbie level 3
Nov 8, 2010
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Hi every one , am a new in the signal processing field , would you please help me .
If I have an excel sheet , how i can build an equation that including the sin and pi ( in that form of sin and pi) from that excel sheet .
Sample interval = 0.002
Recording length = 2500
e.g., i want equation like ( for example ) {x = sin(2*pi*50*t) + 2*sin(2*pi*120*t}

thanks alot

View attachment F0001CH1.zipView attachment data .zipView attachment

You have to write it like this =SIN(2*PI()*50*A1) + 2*SIN(2*PI()*120*A1)

change the red cell input to point where you want


Hi Alex
thanks alot
but still i need more explanations , i worte the x = sin(2*pi*50*t) + 2*sin(2*pi*120*t as examle , and it is not related to my data ( that attached) ,
i need eqation to represent my data .
and what a bout the brackets after pi , and waht A1 ? is it a samle interval or recording length/

thanks again

I have no idea what should be the input of your equation so I can't do it for you, if you give me an example with which sell should be used maybe I can help.

Take a look at this attachment, maybe it helps, the lest side uses values from column A and B (A1B1, A2B2 etc) and the right side uses the same column in both parts of the equation (F1,F2 etc)



    4.9 KB · Views: 84

The PI in excel has to be written as PI()
the A1 represents the value of cell A1, B2 the value of cell B2 etc, this is how you insert the value you want in the equation, as a link to a cell which has the value you want.


hi Alex
Did you check my excel sheet , becaues it contain about 2500 cells , should i writ all 2500 instead of A1 in both positions of A1 , and what a bout the 50 and 120 , is it a frequency ?? can the 50 and 120 fit my data ?

sorry my dear i lost your time hehhe

Excel can do this for you, when you have and equation that uses some cell, for example A1 then if you left click the equation cell at the lower right corner (you will see a black cross) and drag it downwards it copies the same equation but increases the A1 to A2,A3.....
It is the dame when you drag to the right it goes A1, B1, C1 etc.

so if you put for example you values to A1,B1 C1 etc and then the equation to E1 like for example =A1+B1+C1 then if you click and drag as i said it will be copied automatically with =A2+B2+C2, =A3+B3+C3 etc.


---------- Post added at 14:17 ---------- Previous post was at 14:15 ----------

If you want to stop any cell from changing then you use $ , for example =$A1+B1+C1 this will hold A1 and change all the others =A1+B2+C2, =A1+B3+C3 etc.


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