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[SOLVED] how I can attach OPDK to use in cadence?

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Dec 15, 2011
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I used cadence with VMware and suse linux, for start I type in Konsole: cd ic then icfb&
now I want to attach new library that I download from this site:
but I dont know how I can do it:-(
please help me, I am newbie in linux and cadence

... I want to attach new library that I download from this site:
but I dont know how I can do it

I think it's explained in the mentioned html-Tutorial:

2.1 Create a library for your new design

From the library manager window:


Type a new name, such as TEST, click OK.

In the pop-up window, choose “Attach to an existing tech library”.
Then, choose “OPDK_TechLib”. Click OK.
I think it's explained in the mentioned html-Tutorial:
yes it explained but I have problem in setup
I type this in konsole:
mkdir OPDK
cp OPDK-1.6.2.tar.gz (this give me an error and I do this copy with right click of mouse and then paste in this directory: /home/user/OPDK)
tar -zxvf OPDK-1.5.tar.gz (I do this extract with right click on folder and then click extract here)
after this steps I have problem in 1.6 step and the others, I cant understand what should I do, please explain more and simply to me

tar -zxvf OPDK-1.5.tar.gz (I do this extract with right click on folder and then click extract here)

Did the tar extract command succeed? Did it show you the extracted files and directories?

If so, which problem do you have with the 1.6 step?

We can't help you if you don't tell what's going wrong, and which error messages you get.
Did the tar extract command succeed? Did it show you the extracted files and directories?

If so, which problem do you have with the 1.6 step?

We can't help you if you don't tell what's going wrong, and which error messages you get.
I describe the error command and my problem in this file:
View attachment OPDK library.pdf
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tar -zxvf OPDK-1.5.tar.gz (I do this extract with right click on folder and then click extract here)
Of course this couldn't work because it's the wrong file!

I describe the error command and my problem in this file:
OPDK library.pdf

By the way: it is not allowed to upload files to external servers and file sharing services.
Please review the concerning the policies: All attached files should be uploaded to the EDAboard server and not to external file sharing services like rapidshare.

I open the setup.csh but I don’t know what I should do now
Here, you will have to modify setup.csh using vi, nano or any of your favorite editors as follows:

1.6.1 Comment out the line which defines the environment variable OPDK_DIR (it starts with "setenv”).

Lines can be commented out by adding a # at the beginning.

1.6.2 Set the OPDK_DIR variable to the root directory of the OPDK distribution

setenv OPDK_DIR <your_absolute_local_path>/OPDK

1.6.3 Comment out the line which defines the environment variable CDSHOME.

1.6.4 Set the CDSHOME variable to the root directory the Cadence installation. For example:

setenv CDSHOME /home/apps/common/cadence/Linux/ ic_611/tools.lnx86/

1.6.5 Save and exit the file. Your OPDK is setup and ready to be used now.

# Set the OPDK_DIR variable to the root directory ... in your case should be made out to
setenv CDSHOME /home/user/OPDK/OPDK/
setenv CDSHOME /home/apps/.../ic_611/tools.lnx86/
... must be changed to the correct path where this directory resides in your setup: find it and change the path accordingly!
That's all you have to change in this file. Save the changes! - then run the file:
. ./setup.csh
# Make sure to run "module load ..." before executing icfb
Just cut & paste this command (without the " "), then click return.

Then go on with the following instructions.
yes tar-zxvf OPDK-1.5.tar.gz is wrong file ofcourse in command type I typed correct: tar-zxvf OPDK-1.6.2.tar.gz
oh sorry I forgot the rule
according to your reply I set : #setenv CDSHOME /home/user/OPDK/OPDK/
and set # setenv CDSHOME /Cadence/IC5033/tools.lnx86 is this two set true?

what you mean from run the file: . ./setup.csh and Just cut & paste this command (without the " "), then click return.
, sorry I am newbie in linux

according to your reply I set : #setenv CDSHOME /home/user/OPDK/OPDK/
Without the # in front! The # is for the example command (so it won't work).

... and set # setenv CDSHOME /Cadence/IC5033/tools.lnx86 is this two set true?
I think your path is correct. But again without the # in front of the line!

what you mean from run the file: . ./setup.csh and Just cut & paste this command (without the " "), then click return.
Yes, with a blank between the first and the second dot. Then use the command env and check if the command had worked correctly. If not, use
source ./setup.csh
and check again.
I do this:

after this correction I type . ./setup.csh in directory: /OPDK/OPDK> and then press enter and see this error:

if it is required I post the photo of run the env command
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I do this:
setenv CDSHOME /home/user/OPDK/OPDK/
... is wrong of course, should be
setenv OPDK_DIR /home/user/OPDK/OPDK/

after this correction I type . ./setup.csh in directory: /OPDK/OPDK> and then press enter and see this error:

if it is required I post the photo of run the env command
No, this is not necessary, it didn't succeed anyway. I noticed you are working under bash shell, which doesn't know these setenv commands in the setup.csh file. As its extension says, this file must be sourced under the csh shell. After your prompt, put in:
... and then press enter. You should be working under the csh shell now.

Then go on with
source ./setup.csh
There shouldn't follow any error message now. Verify the success by
env | grep OPDK
env | grep CDSHOME
Beware: these hyphens "|" are vertical "|" - not slashes!

If you get the right confirmation, it's ok. Then go on with the further instructions of the tutorial. Good luck!
I correct this:

and then:

no error, and I do 1.7 and 1.8 based on instructions of tutorial (no error), but step 1.9:

now when I run cadence with type:

in file>new>library for example test, in technology library I cant see OPDK_TechLib

file>open> I see:

file>open> I see:

Now this last picture shows that the OPDK library is installed and can be found - congratulations! See if you can go on.

However there's a restriction we both have overlooked:

Try it anyway, use icfb instead of virtuoso.
yes it showed that OPDK is installed, but I dont know why OPDK_techlib is in library, and then dont see symbol of cell in view part
and in technology library I cant see OPDK_TechLib!!

I think OPDK_TechLib file isnt in correct directory, but I dont know where I should copy this

I think you mix up the technology library and the design library (probably because you (correctly!) have this OPDK_TechLib in the design library). The OPDK's tech lib (not OPDK_TechLib) is not a design lib, and already has previously been merged with the CDS tech lib - which you don't see here.

The OPDK_TechLib, however, is a part of OPDK's design lib, and that's why it correctly appears in the Library, which contains all the needed design libs - and which you probably never need to use, because it's sort of a sub lib needed by the other OPDK design libs. Confusing, isn't it?

The OPDK's cell lib probably is in Cādence 6 format, and that's presumably the reason why you can't see any cell views. They can't be represented in Cādence 5. I know there's a conversion possibility from version 5 to version 6 , but not the other way round, AFAIR. So I think your only chance is to change from Cādence 5. to Cādence 6.

do you mean that the problem is from the version of cadence? and cant I use this OPDK in this version of cadence?

Finally I change the cadence to 6.1.4 with VMware and centOS Linux
I do the all things like above again, but the problem is exist and even be more, I can not see the OPDK name when go to File>open>...

I'm not familiar with Cādence 6.1.4 , sorry! Probably the OPDK kit can't be found in the respective Cādence path.

Did you exactly follow the a.m. tutorial? If so, I hope someone else who knows Cādence 6.1.4 can help you. Good luck!
finally I succed :thumbsup:
thanks for all of your comments and helps dear erikl :smile:

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