[SOLVED] How Flourescent lamp works

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Dec 7, 2012
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1. How can flourescent lamp circuit below saves energy compared to conventional lamp ?
2. which is switching transformator and inductor in picture below ?
3. what is the function of switching transformator in circuit below ?
hope you can help me by answering in detail.

1. How can flourescent lamp circuit below saves energy compared to conventional lamp ?

In complete aspect this is good marketing. They use lots of materials and powers to make this products and new factories. This devices lose brightnest during usage, life is often more shorter then declared, and for some time of normal home usage you need to buy new. Currently speaking lamp provide electrical power saving for sure. I have everywhere in my home OSRAM CFL lamps.

How save power? Different tech. An ordinary light bulb uses only 10 to 12% of the input energy to generate light (the rest is mostly emitted as heat). The filament of a lighted bulb can reach more than 2,000 degrees Celsius. This means that the filament's resistance rises from a few ohms when cold to tens of ohms when hot. A halogen lamp is about the same. In comparison, a CFL is about 4 times as efficient, it uses about 40 to 50% of the energy. Thus, a 25-watt CFL is as bright as a 100-watt light bulb.

2. which is switching transformator and inductor in picture below ?

3. what is the function of switching transformator in circuit below ?

Circuit provides current and voltage control for lamp.

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