How find out the end of a response reply from SIM300 or SIM900a modem

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Advanced Member level 4
Sep 23, 2008
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Chennai, INDIA
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Hi All,
I have interfaced a SIM300 modem with my PIC16f877a. I am able to send any AT commands to modem and able to make it work. And also i am able to receive one by one character from hyperterminal.

Here my doubt is since GSM modem may send any data at any number of bytes any time, how can i identify the end of character for all response correctly.

I could not find anything from GSM reply msg. All i received had 0x0A at the end. But This comes even in the middle of the msg. So can not judge based on this.

I read that i can configure GSM to send a custom character at the end of all reply. is it true?
Or can i use DTE and DTR to determine the response?

Any Idea?

0x0A is the is the line feed character. it 'll be received once in a msg Tx...

echo back problem

hey how do u solved the echo back problem i am also facing same problem.
& which serial port u r using out of two seial ports of sim 300

- - - Updated - - -

when i send commmand it is getting received back on RXD pin

Use ATE0 once. Most of the GSM responses end with \r\nOK\r\n. So, you have to check if your buffer contains this string for every GSM response.

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