How does the digital design flow looks like?

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May 28, 2004
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Digital design flow?

guyz, im an analog design engineer. As an analog designer i have to design circuit, do the layout. And after the fabrication, the chip will be send back to me for testing.

What about digital design? how does the flow as a digital design engineer. What is FPGA,ASIC and sometimes C++ have got to do with digital design? Thank you.

Re: Digital design flow?

On an overal view, they have the same design flow. The difference is about CAD tools and automation phases. The most part od digital design flow can be done automatically. You write a HDL code, then synthesis it to map a real technology file. After that you use placement and routing tools to make a layout automatically. After that you tape out your GDSII.

Therefore HDL and high level languages (C, ...) make it easier to design adigital circuit. But in analog design you have to design in transistor level and make sure to satisfy some charactristics.


Digital design flow?

Thank u eziggurat. It gives me a clear infromation. I really appreciate it.

In ALterra company, do they need an analog engineer or digital engineer? Can an analog engineer work in Alterra?

Re: Digital design flow?

zahrein said:
Thank u eziggurat. It gives me a clear infromation. I really appreciate it.

In ALterra company, do they need an analog engineer or digital engineer? Can an analog engineer work in Alterra?
They need both in any asic company.

Re: Digital design flow?

as you said you have done P&R etc they are called Backend process in the flow now you want to know about Front end i.e total digital flow.
digital flow starts with Behavioral description of system->Coding->Simulation->Synthesis->P&R thats it.

Re: Digital design flow?

the flow is somewhat similar...for digital there are analog parameters need to be considered of digital Asic...
but if are interested in FPGA/ is entirely...different...good way for you to start with VHDL, Verilog...and for digital basic....go for Morris mano book...

Re: Digital design flow?

well.. take a look at digital design by morris mano and . digital integrated circuits basics by john rabey.. it wud surely enlighten u abt ASIC and FPGA Design and wud surely help u understand all digital design..

with regards,

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