I understand it transmits on the positive AND negative clock pulses. But how do you design the associated logic gates and so on to take advantage of that pulse?
The difference in routing I'm having trouble wrapping my head around.
Say we have a DDR memory module.
Does everything inside react to both pos/neg clock pulses and the rest is routed the same? Or is there a special clock input that then produces an internal clock pulse for both of the external clock pulses?
And finally, let's take it further. How does a circuit "function" in a QDR (quad-data rate) setup? I know it uses 90 degree increments of said clock but then what? How are gates routed to take advantage of it?
Oh, one final question: If double-data rate allows transmission at the same rate as the clock frequency, how does QDR transmit twice that? If you can transmit twice the clock speed, why not just double the clock speed?