How do I choose a conductive (IC packaging) foam for a DIY pressure sensor?

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Junior Member level 3
Sep 26, 2012
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How do I choose a conductive (IC packaging) foam for a DIY pressure sensor?
I need to find the foam material with the least permanent distortion strain so my sensor would be able to function at high speeds without problems.

Unfortunately if I buy the foam through the Internet I cannot tell how fast would the foam spring back to shape after it was squeezed.
I can buy foam from many vendors, but that would not be cost-effective.

Do I need to buy high density or low density material to get the least amount of residual strain?

I am asking a simple question:
poke that foam that comes with ICs with your finger and see if it immediately comes back. ( I will use it for a human interface device. )
Than measure the resistance across 20mm on the sheet, with ordinary test leads.

Also what is the resistance of the foam? Assuming that I cut a strip 10mm squared and apply to copper plates to it firmly, what would be the resistance before I squeeze the material? Would it be at the scale of Ohms, KiloOhms, MegaOhms or GigaOhms?

Can I use a conductive fabric and foam sandwich for my project?

Thank you.

Vladimir Tolskiy.
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