How could I get gnuplot to graph all the points in the txt file correctly

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Junior Member level 1
Feb 3, 2014
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I am trying to plot a 3d plot from a data file and I have the following points to plot in my txt file:

0.7 -40 100.4643946
0.7 -20 100.9287892
0.7 0 101.9287892
0.7 25 103.3287892
0.7 40 104.8287892
0.7 70 106.6287892
0.7 85 108.6787892
0.7 100 110.9787892
0.7 125 113.5287892
0.81 -40 116.3287892
0.81 -20 119.3787892
0.81 0 122.6787892
0.81 25 126.2287892
0.81 40 130.0287892
0.81 70 134.0787892
0.81 85 138.3787892
0.81 100 142.9287892
0.81 125 147.7287892
0.9 -40 152.7787892
0.9 -20 158.0787892
0.9 0 163.6287892
0.9 25 169.4287892
0.9 40 175.4787892
0.9 70 181.7787892
0.9 85 188.3287892
0.9 100 195.1287892
0.9 125 202.1787892
0.99 -40 209.4787892
0.99 -20 217.0287892
0.99 0 224.8287892
0.99 25 232.8787892
0.99 40 241.1787892
0.99 70 249.7287892
0.99 85 258.5287892
0.99 100 267.5787892
0.99 125 276.8787892
1.1 -40 286.4287892
1.1 -20 296.2287892
1.1 0 306.2787892
1.1 25 316.5787892
1.1 40 327.1287892
1.1 70 337.9287892
1.1 85 348.9787892
1.1 100 360.2787892
1.1 125 371.8287892

The problem only the points colored in red above are being plotted correctly and all the other points are not being wrong. I just simply use splot 'filename.txt' using linespoints
How could I get gnuplot to graph all the points in the txt file correctly

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