HOw convert frequency signal into spectrum?

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Newbie level 5
Nov 28, 2010
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I am new in MATLAB, and confused HOw convert frequency signal into spectrum? any tutorila or help needed.

What do you mean? frequency signal is a spectrum.

Of sorry, conversion of signal into frequency Spectrum.

---------- Post added at 12:38 ---------- Previous post was at 12:37 ----------

I am really confuse is there any diff between signal and spectrum?

Signal is the time course of certain variable like voltage, strength, intensity etc. From the signal if one determines, what frequencies are present in what proportion it becomes spectrum.
When white light passes through a glass prism, the prism splits the signal (white light) into its constituent colours (the spectrum).
mathematically this amounts to taking Fourier transform of the signal.
Hope this helps.

if the signal is a deterministic signal, use fft to plot. If its a random signal, use this: periodogram(signal,[],'onesided',512,fs);
fs is the sampling rate.

signal is any voltage or current, expressed as a function of time.

spectrum shows the frequency components of the signal. frequency shows how fast or slowly a signal changes. If it has a frequency of 100Hz, it means it oscillates 1000 times in 1 second.

we use various techniques to find the frequency domain info of a signal.

Fourier series is used to decompose a given periodic wave into its constituent sinusoids.
Fourier transform tells about the frequency component.

there is one more transform called wavelet transform, but it won't be required if you just want to know the spectrum of a signal.
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Thanks to all, to give response on my question, It's really useful for me.
Is anyone have matlab code for conversion of signal into spectrum please email me


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