How can start up my project with USB port?

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Junior Member level 1
Apr 8, 2004
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Dear all,

Currently, my projects work at the devices have I/O port such as RS232 with PC. Now, I am thinking my future project will work at USB port. Can anyone give me advices include how write drivers for PC, and how setup the port for device (MCU)?

Basically, how can I start up with USB?



Start from reading "USB complete" + USB specs


Hi benri22,

First of all you must choose a programming language for the PC software.
VB is not recomanded!!
Recomanded are C/C++/C# for Window$ OS.

Therefore i highly recomend you the book "USB design by example" by John Hide

Second if you have experience with RS232 you can use FTDI devices without knowing the USB device drivers!!
(FTDI devices are in fact peripherials that has theyr own drivers and programming from PCs is verry similar to RS232 programming in Window$)

If you really want to dig deep into USB stuff (read USB drivers, Window$ dll's) you can choose a uC (8/16 bit avaiable from many vendors, example: 8051 like from Cypress) wich has an embedeed USB interface.

Hi benri22,
Actually, you need not write usb driver, which is a boring and difficult job. Normally, your board should use bulk transfer type to communicated with usb host. And windows DDK provides a sample named 'bulkusb' which you can use directly. And sample code of user mode application in C is also available.
Chose a mcu with usb interface or a seperate usb chip such as philips' D12 and find the source code. Don't dive into usb develpment if you have no interesting in it, for it will take your much time.

Depends on required performance. If something in range 1-2 Mbits/sec is enough for your application, then just get FT232BM from FTDI or CP2101 from SiLabs and forget about all these drivers.

use FTDI's chips such as is very suitable for mcu based applications.

have a look at my easy USB solution

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