How can i work complex floating operation in vhdl ?

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Newbie level 5
Aug 8, 2013
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I need some library packages for my vhdl in ise webpack to make my code run, i ve been having errors due to complex floating operations and the libraries included are not enough, also i need to make it sintetizable for my board!.

Libraries :
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
use IEEE.math_real.all;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

-- Uncomment the following library declaration if using
-- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values

ERROR:HDLCompiler:1638 - "C:\Users\LuisAlberto\Desktop\CONTROLADOR\CONTROLADOR.vhd" Line 142: found '0' definitions of operator "/", cannot determine exact overloaded matching definition for "/"
ERROR:HDLCompiler:1638 - "C:\Users\LuisAlberto\Desktop\CONTROLADOR\CONTROLADOR.vhd" Line 155: found '0' definitions of operator "/", cannot determine exact overloaded matching definition for "/"
ERROR:HDLCompiler:1638 - "C:\Users\LuisAlberto\Desktop\CONTROLADOR\CONTROLADOR.vhd" Line 168: found '0' definitions of operator "/", cannot determine exact overloaded matching definition for "/"
ERROR:HDLCompiler:1638 - "C:\Users\LuisAlberto\Desktop\CONTROLADOR\CONTROLADOR.vhd" Line 181: found '0' definitions of operator "/", cannot determine exact overloaded matching definition for "/"
ERROR:HDLCompiler:1638 - "C:\Users\LuisAlberto\Desktop\CONTROLADOR\CONTROLADOR.vhd" Line 237: found '0' definitions of operator "/", cannot determine exact overloaded matching definition for "/"
ERROR:HDLCompiler:1638 - "C:\Users\LuisAlberto\Desktop\CONTROLADOR\CONTROLADOR.vhd" Line 250: found '0' definitions of operator "/", cannot determine exact overloaded matching definition for "/"
ERROR:HDLCompiler:1638 - "C:\Users\LuisAlberto\Desktop\CONTROLADOR\CONTROLADOR.vhd" Line 263: found '0' definitions of operator "/", cannot determine exact overloaded matching definition for "/"
ERROR:HDLCompiler:1638 - "C:\Users\LuisAlberto\Desktop\CONTROLADOR\CONTROLADOR.vhd" Line 276: found '0' definitions of operator "/", cannot determine exact overloaded matching definition for "/"
ERROR:HDLCompiler:540 - "C:\Users\LuisAlberto\Desktop\CONTROLADOR\CONTROLADOR.vhd" Line 340: Indexed name prefix type string expects 1 dimensions
ERROR:HDLCompiler:540 - "C:\Users\LuisAlberto\Desktop\CONTROLADOR\CONTROLADOR.vhd" Line 341: Indexed name prefix type string expects 1 dimensions
ERROR:HDLCompiler:540 - "C:\Users\LuisAlberto\Desktop\CONTROLADOR\CONTROLADOR.vhd" Line 342: Indexed name prefix type string expects 1 dimensions
ERROR:HDLCompiler:1638 - "C:\Users\LuisAlberto\Desktop\CONTROLADOR\CONTROLADOR.vhd" Line 343: found '0' definitions of operator "/", cannot determine exact overloaded matching definition for "/"
ERROR:HDLCompiler:1638 - "C:\Users\LuisAlberto\Desktop\CONTROLADOR\CONTROLADOR.vhd" Line 344: found '0' definitions of operator "-", cannot determine exact overloaded matching definition for "-"
ERROR:HDLCompiler:1638 - "C:\Users\LuisAlberto\Desktop\CONTROLADOR\CONTROLADOR.vhd" Line 345: found '0' definitions of operator "/", cannot determine exact overloaded matching definition for "/"
ERROR:HDLCompiler:1638 - "C:\Users\LuisAlberto\Desktop\CONTROLADOR\CONTROLADOR.vhd" Line 346: found '0' definitions of operator "-", cannot determine exact overloaded matching definition for "-"
ERROR:HDLCompiler:1638 - "C:\Users\LuisAlberto\Desktop\CONTROLADOR\CONTROLADOR.vhd" Line 349: found '0' definitions of operator "/", cannot determine exact overloaded matching definition for "/"
ERROR:HDLCompiler:540 - "C:\Users\LuisAlberto\Desktop\CONTROLADOR\CONTROLADOR.vhd" Line 365: Indexed name prefix type string expects 1 dimensions
ERROR:HDLCompiler:540 - "C:\Users\LuisAlberto\Desktop\CONTROLADOR\CONTROLADOR.vhd" Line 366: Indexed name prefix type string expects 1 dimensions
ERROR:HDLCompiler:540 - "C:\Users\LuisAlberto\Desktop\CONTROLADOR\CONTROLADOR.vhd" Line 367: Indexed name prefix type string expects 1 dimensions

don't use std_logic_arith

I'm assuming you are trying to divide two reals with your "/". You need a library that supports that. math_real does not.

What do the lines that are actually causing the error look like? what data types are you using?

Thanks, what librarie supports de division of the 2 reals.

I am using fractions, real numbers, and decimals, also vectors and matrix.

elsif (anglein>angle(fia,coa+1) and anglein<angle(fia,coa+2) and etiquetas(fia,coa+1)="lfunction") then
Line 142: pendiente:=((-1)/((angle(fia,coa+2)-angle(fia,coa+1))));

elsif(anglein>angle(fia,coa) and anglein<angle(fia,coa+1) and etiquetas(fia,coa+1)="gamma") then
Line 181 pendiente:=(1/(angle(fia,coa)-angle(fia,coa+1)));

if (etiquetas(f,0)=speed) then
Line 341 med:=speed(f,1);
Line 342 x3:=speed(f,2);
Line 343 pend1:=(1/(med-x0));
Line 344 x1:=(((mayor-1)/pend1)+med);
Line 345 pend2:=(-1/(x3-med));
Line 346 x2:=(((mayor-1)/pend2)+med);

The problem is you're trying to synthesise stuff using the math_real package. Basically, you cant. Math_real is for simulation only.

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