Constant current sweep will give the voltage proportional to impedance.
Most people use a simple model similar to yours with only 1 capacitance and only a series resonant frequency (SRF) which is often just called the "Self-Resonant-Frequency.
But in ceramic multilayer structures there is a series and parallel capacitance (that may be nearly equal) and half of the simple (
Cs only) model leading to a Parallel resonant frequency (PRF) which are recursive on all harmonics when horizontal to the circuit board.
However Johanson Technology Caps. ( and others) discovered that when the ceramic cap is mounted or created vertically, all the odd PRF frequencies are nulled out including the 1st.
Beware that not all Cap suppliers use the same SPICE model and so Ls will vary with model as well as Cp may be missing and lumped into Cs.
I believe this is the best model as it is accurate at both low and high frequency. ( below and above SRF)
So in
recap. ( pun intended) first you get series resonance or lowest impedance at SRF, ( which should be above your main application) followed by PRF or open circuit at recursive PRF's, depending on the number of layers among other things.
Often it is not possible to find SRF above your operating frequency, so PRF and SRF must be characterized and effects noted when used with a variety of larger and smaller caps decades apart in the smallest size you can handle (e.g. 603 402 201) SRF and PRF will move. Stacked smaller caps are sometimes used. Not all suppliers are created equal and verification on SA+gen or NA is essential.
The best way to simulate RF Caps is to get the S parameter file from the supplier.