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How can I implement a NRZ zero-order hold(ZOH) S/H systematic diagram in Simulink?


Full Member level 3
Full Member level 3
Mar 1, 2022
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I want to simulate an ADC in Simulink using NRZ S/H. this is my first time that I want to use DSP toolbox in Simulink. Here is my schematic:

Screenshot (714).png

but this error pops up:
Error in 'test2/Buffer': All sample times must be discrete. No continuous or constant sample times are allowed.

I think anything is discrete. z-transform is just a single-pole unity-gain transfer function modeling sample-and-hold bandwidth.
please let me know your idea about solving this problem. moreover, If you see any critical problem in my schematic, please comment on that.
thank you
Implementing a Zero-Order Hold (ZOH) Sample and Hold (S/H) system in Simulink involves creating a model that captures the behavior of the ZOH. Here's a step-by-step guide to implementing a ZOH S/H systematic diagram in Simulink:

  1. Open Simulink: Launch MATLAB and open Simulink.
  2. Create a New Model: Start a new Simulink model by selecting "File" -> "New" -> "Model".
  3. Add Input Signal: Drag and drop a Signal Generator block from the Simulink library browser onto the model canvas. Configure this block to generate the input signal you want to sample and hold.
  4. Add Sample and Hold Block: Search for the "Sample and Hold" block in the Simulink library browser. Drag and drop this block onto the model canvas.
  5. Connect Blocks: Connect the output of the Signal Generator block to the input of the Sample and Hold block. Also, connect the clock signal to the appropriate port of the Sample and Hold block. The clock signal determines when the Sample and Hold block samples the input signal.
  6. Configure Sample and Hold Block: Double-click on the Sample and Hold block to open its parameters dialog. Here, you can set the sample time and other parameters according to your requirements.
  7. Add Zero-Order Hold Block: Search for the "Zero-Order Hold" block in the Simulink library browser. Drag and drop this block onto the model canvas.
  8. Connect Blocks: Connect the output of the Sample and Hold block to the input of the Zero-Order Hold block.
  9. Configure Zero-Order Hold Block: Double-click on the Zero-Order Hold block to open its parameters dialog. Here, you can set the sample time and other parameters according to your requirements.
  10. Add Output Display: Add a scope or other suitable visualization block to the model to observe the output of the Zero-Order Hold block.
  11. Run Simulation: Configure simulation parameters such as simulation time and solver settings, then run the simulation to observe the behavior of the ZOH S/H system.
  12. Analyze Results: After running the simulation, analyze the results to ensure that the ZOH S/H system behaves as expected under different conditions.
By following these steps, you can implement a Zero-Order Hold Sample and Hold systematic diagram in Simulink and simulate its behavior under various conditions. Adjust parameters and inputs as needed to match your specific requirements.

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