how can I get 24v voltage by 9v battery?

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Junior Member level 1
Aug 30, 2006
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I'm building a pic-based data logger powered by a 9v battery. I need to provide a 24v(max 24ma) voltage for external sensor or tansmiter.
how can I get this voltage by just 9v battery?

thanks in advance

You can use a switching DC/DC step-up regulator. I have noot looked at the details in the datasheet, but you are looking for something like this one

Check out Microchip application notes on DC to DC converters. There is one that uses a pic to drive a boost regulater. If you only need 24mA. You could most probably use some spare pins on your micro to drive a boost cicuit, which is basically just an inductor and a mosfet switch. You would also need a spare A/D channel for feedback control

you should be aware that the current drawn from the battery will be around 60mA, at least. under these conditions, a regular 9V battery quickly wears out

The popular ON semiconductor MC34063 DC-DC converter IC is what you need.

But, be aware of 9V short battery life, as x_zoly warned.


suncq said:
I'm building a pic-based data logger powered by a 9v battery. I need to provide a 24v(max 24ma) voltage for external sensor or tansmiter.
how can I get this voltage by just 9v battery?
What are the external components that need +24V? May be we can devise some solution that's more clever than inductive step-up DC/DC, based on the particulars of your components.

MC34063 is the good choice for you ! Goog luck !

sorry I cant upload the pdf dc to dc converter in google and there u will find a pdf file download it.its about four type of common converters use one of them.

The other types are
1) Buck converter(step down)
2) Boost converter (step up)
3) Inverter
4) Transformer fly back

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