How can I generate random numbers using combo/sequential logic?

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Random No. generator

There are some standards for testing RNG, such as FIPS 140-1.

Random No. generator

PaulHolland, there's no need to be rude.

You and I are saying basically the same things with different words. That paper says "we are considering shifts as different sequence". I say "same sequence with different starting point". Same thing.

I pointed out the zero problem, twice.

Of course the polynomial is important, hence my link to the Xilinx app note.

I do see one error in my earlier messages. Instead of saying "LFSR", I should have said "maximum-length LFSR". If that caused anyone trouble, I apologize. I believe the rest of my statements are accurate.

Re: Random No. generator

Hi echo47,

Did not wanted to sound rude, sorry I apologize if I did. Better give references next time !


Re: Random No. generator


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