I have the error in my VHDL design project:
So I know that it has something to do with that there are two instances that are driving this decimal signal but I am confused as I thought I only have one instance driving it, I'd appreciate it if someone can spot the point of the error and fill me in on how to fix it.
Edit: sorry should probably explain what I'm trying to achieve as well, I'm making a system that will have 12 counters that will count up and down everyone who enters or leaves a stadium during some sports event, and then an adder adds all those outputs up together and displays them on 4 7-segment displays (one for each digit), the problem is with our "dec" standing for decimal, we want to add up all those counter outputs and convert them into a decimal value and then it gets converted to 4 4-bit binary numbers that will go to each 7-seg display, these numbers match the truth table for a 7-seg decoder to display the correct numbers.
[XSIM 43-3249] File C:/Users/hp/Desktop/correct_file_WTB/correct_file_WTB/project/project.srcs/sources_1/new/Sports_venue.vhd, line 53. Unresolved signal "dec" is multiply driven.
So I know that it has something to do with that there are two instances that are driving this decimal signal but I am confused as I thought I only have one instance driving it, I'd appreciate it if someone can spot the point of the error and fill me in on how to fix it.
Edit: sorry should probably explain what I'm trying to achieve as well, I'm making a system that will have 12 counters that will count up and down everyone who enters or leaves a stadium during some sports event, and then an adder adds all those outputs up together and displays them on 4 7-segment displays (one for each digit), the problem is with our "dec" standing for decimal, we want to add up all those counter outputs and convert them into a decimal value and then it gets converted to 4 4-bit binary numbers that will go to each 7-seg display, these numbers match the truth table for a 7-seg decoder to display the correct numbers.
library IEEE;
-- Uncomment the following library declaration if using
-- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values
-- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
-- any Xilinx leaf cells in this code.
--library UNISIM;
--use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
entity Sports_venue is
Port(enable_in, reset_in, updown_in : in std_logic_vector(0 to 11);
seg_1, seg_2, seg_3, seg_4 : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0));
end Sports_venue;
architecture Behavioral of Sports_venue is
type counter_output is array (positive range <>) of unsigned (7 downto 0);
component counter
port(CLK, enable, reset, updown : in std_logic;
Q : out unsigned(7 downto 0));
end component;
signal enable, reset, updown : std_logic_vector(1 to 12);
signal CLK_TB : std_logic;
signal adder_input : counter_output(1 to 12);
signal add_output : unsigned(11 downto 0);
signal dec, z : integer;
CLK_loop : process
while now <= 3000ns loop
CLK_TB <= '1';
wait for 5 ns;
CLK_TB <= '0';
wait for 5 ns;
end loop;
end process;
add_output <= unsigned(adder_input(12) + adder_input(1) + adder_input(2) + adder_input(3)
+ adder_input(4) + adder_input(5)+ adder_input(6) + adder_input(7) + adder_input(8)
+ adder_input(9) + adder_input(10) + adder_input(11));
dec <= to_integer(add_output);
seg_1_loop : process(dec)
case dec is
when 0 to 999 => z <= 0;
when 1000 to 1999 => z <= 1;
when 2000 to 2999 => z <= 2;
when 3000 => z <= 3;
when others => z <= 0;
end case;
if( z = 0) then
seg_1 <= "0000";
elsif( z = 1) then
dec <= dec - 1000;
seg_1 <= "0001";
elsif(z = 2) then
dec <= dec - 2000;
seg_1 <= "0010";
elsif(z = 3) then
dec <= dec - 3000;
seg_1 <= "0011";
end if;
end process;
seg_2_loop : process(dec)
case dec is
when 0 to 99 => z <= 0;
when 100 to 199 => z <= 1;
when 200 to 299 => z <= 2;
when 300 to 399 => z <= 3;
when 400 to 499 => z <= 4;
when 500 to 599 => z <= 5;
when 600 to 699 => z <= 6;
when 700 to 799 => z <= 7;
when 800 to 899 => z <= 8;
when 900 to 999 => z <= 9;
when others=> z <= 0;
end case;
if(z = 0) then
seg_2 <= "0000";
elsif(z = 1) then
dec <= dec - 100;
seg_2 <= "0001";
elsif (z = 2) then
dec <= dec - 200;
seg_2 <= "0010";
elsif(z = 3) then
dec <= dec - 300;
seg_2 <= "0011";
elsif (z = 4) then
dec <= dec - 400;
seg_2 <= "0100";
elsif (z = 5) then
dec <= dec - 500;
seg_2 <= "0101";
elsif (z = 6) then
dec <= dec - 600;
seg_2 <= "0110";
elsif (z = 7) then
dec <= dec - 700;
seg_2 <= "0111";
elsif (z = 8) then
dec <= dec - 800;
seg_2 <= "1000";
elsif (z = 9) then
dec <= dec - 90;
seg_2 <= "1001";
end if;
end process;
seg_3_4_loop : process(dec)
case dec is
when 0 to 9 => z <= 0;
when 10 to 19 => z <= 1;
when 20 to 29 => z <= 2;
when 30 to 39 => z <= 3;
when 40 to 49 => z <= 4;
when 50 to 59 => z <= 5;
when 60 to 69 => z <= 6;
when 70 to 79 => z <= 7;
when 80 to 89 => z <= 8;
when 90 to 99 => z <= 9;
when others=> z <= 0;
end case;
if( z = 0) then
dec <= dec - 10;
seg_3 <= "0000";
elsif (z = 1) then
dec <= dec - 20;
seg_3 <= "0001";
elsif (z = 2) then
dec <= dec - 30;
seg_3 <= "0010";
elsif (z = 3) then
dec <= dec - 40;
seg_3 <= "0011";
elsif (z = 4) then
dec <= dec - 50;
seg_3 <= "0100";
elsif (z = 5) then
dec <= dec - 60;
seg_3 <= "0101";
elsif (z = 6) then
dec <= dec - 70;
seg_3 <= "0110";
elsif (z = 7) then
dec <= dec - 80;
seg_3 <= "0111";
elsif (z = 8) then
dec <= dec - 90;
seg_3 <= "1000";
elsif (z = 9) then
dec <= dec - 90;
seg_3 <= "1001";
end if;
seg_4 <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(z, seg_4'length));
end process;
for i in 1 to 12 generate
counterX: counter
port map (CLK => CLK_TB, enable => enable(i), reset => reset(i), updown => updown(i), Q => adder_input(i));
end generate;
end Behavioral;
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