How can I execute a code written at a certain ROM addresses ? (vxWorks)

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Newbie level 3
Jul 8, 2006
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How can I execute a code written at a certain ROM adress? Is there a command like "go"? If there is one how is its format.

Re: vxWorks help

Just set the program counter to the correct address and begin executing. If you're using a monitor package it will depend on the monitor syntax.

I'd contact Wind River if I were you, that's what you (or your company) is paying for -- put them to work!!

Re: vxWorks help

If you want to read from the ROM then most of all your execution will be much more slower with respect to RAM or NVRAM read . But if you still want to read it from ROM then u can do it in two ways ,

1. you can copy the file from ROM to RAM using file pointer and read it from RAM copy , it will be simple file reading .

2. Else , use the file pointer to read from ROM but for that you have to give a good look to your kernel facilities and read enabled administrator priviledge is there or not .

For second question , the answer is yes , "go" statement is available there with label facility but it is very uncomfortable because you have to take a good care for the routine of program counter .

I think the problems are solved .

ok ..... take care and Good Bye .....


Re: vxWorks help

One other thing -- if you're talking about embedded code you can just cast a function pointer to a specific ROM address and de-reference (call) it.

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