recently I encountered some problems when I designed analog circuits.
mosfet operation is divided into 3 regions, cut-off, linear, saturation respectively.
when I using level 1 mosfet, I can easily adjust mosfet operation. just use Sah Equation.
But when I using Hynix 0.35um or any other library,
it is so difficult to adjust proper mosfet operation.
more and more complex circuit, I can't determine adequate biasing point and operation region.
some people just tunning circuts. but this way is not best answer for me. I want to know how to adjust mosfet operation more exactly.
Do I derive the equation about BSIM3? but BSIM3 current equation is so complex. is there any solution more easy?
how about your solution? I don't like tunning the circuit until I get an adequate operation circuits.
I'll appreciate if you help me...plz