I have one electronic device that has one alarm.
When this alarm is going to ring it should send a SMS or something telling the cellphone user.
What is the cheapest and and easiest way to implement it?
may i knw for what purpose ur doing this bcz if u want to do it .u need to understand ur alarm device schematic after that select one basic microcontroller and one GSM module but if u tell me ur application means i can help u clearly.....than
you can use "SIM900 GSM/GPRS Module" and a microcontroller to send sms,... .
it costs about 20$ to 30$ .
you can connect module to serial port of your microcontroller and do whatever you want , by using "AT cellular command interface".
there is an evaluation module for sim900:
"SIMCOM SIM900 GPRS+GSM QUAD-Band Module+Development Board for AVR MCU ARM"