How about electronic caeerer in Australia

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Newbie level 6
Oct 5, 2004
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I will go to Australia and find a job in there. My major is electronic engineering, and I have more than 7 years work experience on these field. Would anybody be so kind to give me some suggestion? Is it easy to find a job in Australia?

Try putting "jobs in Australia" in a search engine.

Then click away and apply.

If you are luckey you might get an interview where they pay the flight.

Or, get some interviews lined up before you get there.

All the best and enjoy the sunshine.

Thank you for your kindly help. I agree with you no more than posting a CV and make a interview. But it is difficult for the Australian company to confirm the aboard career expeience, such as in China. Although I have design a lot of telecommunication devices and industrial instruments that have been working for years, I find it is difficult to get a interview from the foreign company. It may be a long way for me to wait a opportunity.

I suggest you do the following:
1) Have a look at what the market place wants in engineering
2) Write down what you have done in these areas and get it signed
by a responsible person in the company (get a company broucher to
show what it does)
3) If you can not do "2)" then make a note of items that you name/signature has appeared on (e.g. drawings) that can be traced back.
4) Take a copy of your log book.

These days I think that if two parties want to talk they can easily.

Remember, never give up - keep trying (one day you will make it).

I have recently come to Australia and looking for a job in PCB design role...
any help would appreciate

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