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How 2 design PIFA for Bluetooth & 802.11b ?

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pifa equivalent circuit

I searched it everywhere, but no result.

I need just the formula to design it ,not the dimension of it .

If anyone knows, PLZ tell me, thank U.

This is an article about parametric study of a P/I/F/A. The design is not described in the B/l/u/e/t/o/o/t/h & 8/0/2.11b band but since you asked for formula to design the antenna, I guess this is the closeset I can get. You mght like to use this approach to design your P/I/F/A for the required operating band. 8O Good luck though.

Do you have any interesting antenna design with dimesions operating in B/l/u/e/t/o/o/t/h & 8/0/2.11b band and that you will like to share with us?


It is useful to me, thank U.

I am now writing some paper about antenna on WPAN, when I finish it ,I would have time to do some other work like U said.

I will be interested to discuss the design with you when you start out. To date, I think no one has come up with a firm theoretical formula for the PIFA yet. I like to think, in the end, its just a fancy monopole. :roll: Furthermore, the formular might just work with one particular shaped antenna.I think it is more efficient to start off with a parametric study using an EDA software rather than try to design one with formulars. But if anyone has a universal formular I'll like to know.


Ansoft HFSS has no tuning function at all, so I must change the size of PIFA randomly, with no idea of what parameter may change with the size.

Do U know what SOFT else can do this work, and with tuning function ?

I am not sure what is your defination of tunning. Do you mean tunning by a specific formular or do you mean specifing a goal and cost function and let the software optimise according to that the parameters?If it is the later, HFSS has optimetrics which can vary parameters while you wait. CST Microwave studio has a similar function via Visual Basics. IE3D also has a opitmiser function.


Thank U for the imformation.

By tuning I mean one can change the size of the ANT, just like tune the value of the components in ADS, and the character simulated by the SOFT will change accordingly.

The OPT function is also waht I need.

But I didnot find it in HFSS, is it easy to use ?

If you have HFSS, Optimetrics is what you want for "tuning" function. It comes as a separate package in HFSS v7 but comes bundled with the new HFSS 9.0 (To be released at the end of the month). Relatively easy to use. Please visit ansoft website for more details. However, the general rule of garbage in garbage out applies. i.e. if you put in the wrong search parameters, you will get unpredictable results.


I am now using HF$$ 8.02, do U mean in this version there is no OPT function ? And I must update it to 9.0 ?

Does ANSOFT DESIGNER V1_0 do this work ?

Well my version of HFSS 8.0 came with opt. Maybe it was included in the package at a higher but discounted price. Ansoft designer might not do the job (I think) as ensemble is only 2.5D. i.e. it will not be able to handle a pifa with shorting plates.

yellowtooth said:
I am now using HF$$ 8.02, do U mean in this version there is no OPT function ? And I must update it to 9.0 ?

Does ANSOFT DESIGNER V1_0 do this work ?

Thank U for Ur help.

Maybe Ur version is form Agilent, and so it has OPT function.

After the Ansoft bought the Agilent HFSS, there is no OPT .

If Urs is also from Ansoft, I would have to search a 8.0 version.

I visited the site, it is an offical cite , so I think I cannot DL the soft freely, and I didnot see any link to DL the Optimetrics , it just seems a statement only, all the DL links R StudentVersion.
Thank U very much.

Hi yellowtooth,

I am sorry but I cannot help in this department. There are a lot more people all over the place who can help you "obtain" O/p/t/i/m/e/t/r/i/c/s. Maybe you should let known your "problem" to others so they can help with whatever requirement you want.

I am using C/S/T M/W/W for design and you can learn to do stuffs probably within days.


yellowtooth said:
I visited the site, it is an offical cite , so I think I cannot DL the soft freely, and I didnot see any link to DL the Optimetrics , it just seems a statement only, all the DL links R StudentVersion.
Thank U very much.

In the microwave and optical technology letters Vol 34 No 6 Sept 2002, there is a quick reference on a 5GHz Wireless Lan Pifa with an equivalent circuit which might be helpful to you. It is quite similar to the example given in IE3D.

I can't upload at the moment as my ftp port is blocked. If you want it, you might like to request this paper from others.

Element 7k

In the microwave and optical technology letters Vol 34 No 6 Sept 2002, there is a quick reference on a 5GHz Wireless Lan Pifa with an equivalent circuit which might be helpful to you. It is quite similar to the example given in IE3D.

I can't upload at the moment as my ftp port is blocked. If you want it, you might like to request this paper from others.

Element 7k

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