homemade fuel for RC Engine

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My guess is mix two stroke oil with ordinary petrol (gasoline). The ratio should be between 24:1 and 40:1 petrolil (by volume). Search the internet for "mixing two stroke fuel" and you will find plenty of pages and videos.


Since it's a petrol (a.k.a. gasoline) engine, you can't really make your own. While you might get the engine to fire up with various flammable compounds, the engine probably won't live long. It's not like making your own fuel for a glow plug engine where you can save money by buying the nitro, oil, methanol separately.

The only thing you can (and need to) do is mix 2-stroke oil with the petrol. The engine should have come with a manual that tells you how much oil is recommended. It is often in the ratio of 1:20 to 1:32 (oiletrol by volume).


Wow - did I really have this post open for that long before posting my reply? Keith wins!
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Does it sound like it is trying to start (ignition is happening, but not sustaining)?

I take it these things are manual start by spinning the output shaft. Can you check that the spark plug is firing?

Hi Jestin_cubetech,
It is a high speed engine used for model aircraft the ratio is given below gasoline must be 24-40 grade
Pre-mixed Fuel, 24-40(gasoline):1. If this helped click the helpedme button below
regards ani

Are you using a starter motor? Are you turning it the right way?


1, ignition is ok and timing is correct , CDI unit working fine [5V DC ]
2, Fuel mix [petrol 200milli Liter + 2 stroke oil 6.6milli Liter]
3, Starting direction CCW with out starting motor

i think the problem related to carburetor section

CRRCpro 26CC GF26I V2 working video from youtube


That looks easy to start. I believe some of the glow fuel engines take a fair bit of spinning from a starter motor to get them going but that looks like a fairly large, relatively slow engine.


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