Homemade CNC design for PCB routing

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May 12, 2001
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Homemade CNC for PCB

I would like to present my homemade CNC for PCB routing.
It has a floating head so height adjustment isn't critical.
It is made of plastic.
Max speed is 1400mm/sec. (It has Nema 17 steppes so there is not much torque)
Later i will post photos of PCB I've made with it.


Re: Homemade CNC for PCB

With PSU, Stepper motors and Stepper motor cotroller board about 600 euros.
The mechanical parts were cheap, less than 100euro.
Stepper Motors less than 70 euro.

Re: Homemade CNC for PCB

I've managed today to route a PCB. It is a single Stepper motor controler with an A3982 chip (SOIC package).
The photo of the final PCB is from my mobile phone. I do not have a photo camera here with me.
The first 2 photos are from the programm that produces the G-Code. They show the path and how the PCB should look.

It took 2min 45sec to route it

Nice project..But who can DIY without You sharing it? As you have posted this in the DIY section, we understand the said subject is a DIY project and not an adverstisement. Do the needfull to share your project or request moderators to delete this thread.

They are Nema 17 0.7Nm.
Very low friction and high supply voltage 30V is the key for high speed.

@pranam77: I didnt thought that someone want the plans for it. I can share them they are in solidoworks 2010 format though they are no totaly complete cause I have made some modification while building it.
The electronics are not selfmade.

Looks awesome. I was thinking of trying to make of these myself. What kind of control software did you use?

There is Z axis. This was just a test pcb to check the quality.

Very Nice, are you going to publish your plans etc for other members to try and use?

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