This design is based on N-mosfet power amplifier on two pairs of transistors IRFP250. The PCBs were made in thermal transfer method. Quiescent current was set to 50mA.
Power supply:
Power supply consists of 800VA transformer with a voltage of 2x50V. There are also bridge and capacitors 30mF for a side. Voltage without load is 70V, and when both power amplifiers are maximally drived, it drops to 55V. Transformer is equipped with a softstart.
Preamplifier is inspired by a good amplifier (Revox). It is supplied by symmetrical voltage 18V from power supplies on Zener diodes and transistors.
Cooling is carried out by two heat sinks with dimensions of 20x10x5cm. Recesses were milled for the fans in the heat sinks. It is recommended to use quiet fans.
Housing was made of aluminum sheet with a thickness of 3mm. Sheets for walls were cut with a laser. The whole was screwed with chromium angles and chromium Hex M4 and M5. Ventilation holes in the bottom and top of the housing were laset cut.
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Wzmacniacz N-mosfet irka by Haker