I suppose there as many systems as manufacturers, but the system I came across is this:- A long sync pulse is sent, then a position where CH1 PWM pulse is sent, then another position where CH2 PWM pulse is sent. . . until end of channels then long sync pulse. I think the pulse train was sent in 10 mS, with the PWM entries limited to 1mS.
At the receiver the sync pulse resets all timers and counters. At end of sync pulse, gate opens for 1mS to allow CH1 sig out to CH1 output. Another gate opens from 1-2 mS to select CH2. . .
The PWM pulses are then compared with the PWM pulses coming straight of the servos and the motor on the servo turns the pot until the pulses have the same mark/space ratio, which means the servo has reached the correct position.
Is this standard?, have I remembered it correctly?