Highvoltage design challenge.

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Newbie level 4
Aug 24, 2011
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I'm after making a low mass high voltage PSU powered from 10volts DC with up to 40A peak current availabilty.

25-30KV DC with a weight of 600 Grammes is my personal best achievement so far using a flyback.

I'd be interested to hear any ideas the members might have for us to reduce the mass of the PSU further...

Cheers, Steve C.

Not clear about the specification. What's the intended HV output current? HV floating or one side grounded.

HV floating is good.
5mA will do.

Oddly enough FvM, although I live in England, I am today just up the road from you in haltern am see!

30kV*5mA = 150W, that's quite a lot.

Floating HV output means that the secondary winding insulation must be designed for 30 kV + superimposed AC. Demanding!

Hope you enjoy the winter weather in Germany!

35kV High voltage can be generated with much lower mass flyback transformer but there is a relationship to the maximum energy that can be stored and transferred by flyback method in gm/watt which is related to the Bmax saturation level of the core and losses in Watts/kg of the core.

What are you trying to prove again?

Heatwave in Toronto with no snow.

Not trying to prove anything.
We are trying to make something.
The design calls for the lightest HV psu that we can make.
Currently, it's about 600grammes excluding battery.

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