high voltage switching using IGBTs or Transistors

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Junior Member level 3
Apr 21, 2009
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hi.. im woking on the design and fabrication of a dc to ac inverter without using a transformer.the design involves first steping up the dc input to a high dc output.this output is switched using a bridge inverter to produce a square wave ac. A voltage has to be provided at the gate of the IGBTs equal to the required voltage across the load.generating this high voltage signal is not difficult,the problem is that the gate break down of common IGBTs voltage is around 30 to 40 volts which is much less than the required 220v!
is there a device which has a gate or base breakdown voltage of 200 or close?
if not, then how do we switch a high dc voltage?

aliumair926 said:
A voltage has to be provided at the gate of the IGBTs equal to the required voltage across the load.
Why such a high voltage? There are no components with such a high gate breakdown voltage. If you intend to do a voltage follower then google for a "high side driver".

can a bridge inverter be used for high voltages?

I'm looking for the same thing (inverter 24v -> 220v without transformer).
You said it was not difficult to ramp up the high voltage.
Can you post a schematic of hou you're doing ?
Did you had news about the high voltage inverter bridge components ?
In my case the power needed woulld be about 1 or 1.5kW.
Thanks a lot.

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