High Power Switch for Low Power Signal
I am looking for a way to make low power signal (about 2V and 5oo uA) to turn on switch to short another independent source (about 8 to 12V and 1 t 5 mA) without stealing power from another source and without loosing power by this process. My first choice was MOSFET however, for Vds of 10V I need minimum Vgs of 7V to turn on/off MOSFET using IRF9630. (by experimenting, suggestion where this can be found on datasheet will help too since I dont know how to read this). I believe MOSFET will not do, I might try darlington optocoupler or analog switch . My goal is to use minimum power as much as possible to turn on switch for a decent power source. It sounds like impossible task, but I will appreciate some experience/suggestions from anyone.
Thank you.