h(t) = step function (Heaviside)
π = pi
δ(ω) = delta Dirac in frequence domain
G2W(ω) = Gate function with 2W of band width
j = complex number = sqrt(-1)
to = constant time
Somebody can show step by step desenvolte the inverse Fourier transform?
it look likes that you have the Lathi's Solution Manual for the 1st edition, and I need it very much, mainly for Filters, Fourier Transform and Amplitude Modulation.
Please, could you upload it here?
Thank you very much !!
ps.: What's the solution manual you have get that solution from?
I am sorry, Highlander-SP, that I don't have the manual you were talking about. Actually, I don't even know the book you refered to. Have you made your request in the ebook section? You can probably get help there.
I am glad that you think the solution has helped, Highlander-SP. But I don't really rely on any specific books, or I won't bother to answer the questions. That won't be interesting to me.