I'm in the process of designing my first offline forward converter and I am looking at secondary rectifier diodes and have some questions related to the characteristics needed.
Like the current rating, I am going under the assumption that the DC output will be maximum 10A but the current going from the secondary winding to the storage capacitor can be larger if I am not mistaken.
In any case diodes has two or three current ratings, maximum average current, maximum non-repetitive peak surge current and but I would think there are also a maximum repetitive peak surge current. Now the names seems to be different from different manufacturers but they should be adequate.
Lets take MBR1080G as a example:
It has:
Average Rectified Forward Current = 10A
Peak Repetitive Forward Current(square wave 20kHz) = 120A
My converter will run at 25kHz, is 10A the value I should consider to be the limit or can this diode manage >10A at 25kHz?
if so what about 50kHz?
This is related to the power dissipation, how do I approximate the power dissipation when using <50% duty cycle?
I know how to calculate heat sink and junction temperature but it feels as the situation would be quite different when PWM signals are involved, or is it?
And finally, the reverse leakage current. What does that actually influence?
Losses seems a obvious influence but by how much and are there any other or is the losses high enough to be of concern?
When looking at diodes I find some that have 4,5µA reverse leakage and some that have 100µA or 250µA all with pretty much the same forward voltage drop, then there are those with >1mA of reverse leakage current.
Do I care if the one I choose has 4,5µA or 100µA reverse leakage current?
By the way, is it normal to only specify recovery speed as <500ns?