High Current Variable Power Supply Using LM317 ?

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Sep 21, 2010
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I need to build 5AMP Power supply with constant current and variable voltage. Actually problem is i cannot get more than 1.5A from single LM317 so how to use it ? Can i use those parallel with 1 single Variable Resistor ? please guide me for some specific circuit.....which could help me to get 5AMP or +

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Should it be a high side or low side constant current source? Switching or linear regulation at what voltage range? For a high end 5A current regulator there is an application in the old NSC datasheet(page 18:http://www.ee.buffalo.edu/courses/elab/LM117.pdf ). For low side constant current sources you might lock a laser driver iCs.

Enjoy your design work!


I need high side driver, i just need simple Power Supply for my Projects. But i have LM317 Available here and i want to use 4-5AMP from LM317 i heard about Pass transistor which could take upto 5Amp while using with LM317 power transistor like TIP127 will work ? for that ?

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thanks alot i hope it will work i have TIP127 ready..

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Maybe the LM338 is another option: https://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/lm138.pdf .

Enjoy your design work!


my first try was LM338K, but its heat is too much....so i dont prefer that now....it was getting heated even with large heat sink i donno there was any issue with my circuit or whatever it was....but at high temperature it was not able to drive 2AMP Load with big heatsink too...

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i have TIP127 available with me so can i use 2 of them parallel to equal to TIP147 ?

i have TIP127 available with me so can i use 2 of them parallel to equal to TIP147 ?

2 TIPs 127 (or more) is a good idea ...
Don’t forget about base-current-equalizing-resistors and mount them (TIP127) on a decent heat sink :grin:

Reactions: DrWhoF


    Points: 2
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2 TIPs 127 (or more) is a good idea ...
Don’t forget about base-current-equalizing-resistors and mount them (TIP127) on a decent heat sink :grin:


2 TIPs 127 (or more) is a good idea ...
Don’t forget about base-current-equalizing-resistors and mount them (TIP127) on a decent heat sink :grin:


how to connect ? two or more TIP127 ? In parellel ? you mean to say connect base to base collector to collector and emitter to emitter ? like that way ?

is this circuit ok ? like this way ? 4X TIP127 parallel ? to support upto 20A max...

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