Hi I need a circuit to construct 5kva 48 volt inverter using h bridge with 3524

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Sorry to say , but if you are asking for schematics for this size of project , you are more than likely out of your depth here.
Designing a 5kvA inverter is going to require more knowledge than just having the schematics.
There is going to be a lot of power floating around , and when things go pear shaped , and they will :0)
you are going to have a lot of smoke!!
A dare say even experienced designers in this field don't just cobble something like this together.
Just my 2c , others may disagree.

Am currently working on 48v inverter using 3524 and irf 2110 to drive the mosfet please help me with a working circuit thanks
Now what is your problem ? you'd better to ask about your problem accurately and then expect help of the others . isn't it ?
Best Wishes

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