HFSS Validation problem related with frequency and units

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Newbie level 3
May 17, 2007
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I have been working with HFSS for my thesis. I made a model to be able to get 3d simulations. I am using real dimensions for the model but when i use 2.4 GHZ frequency and cm as units. I dont get a validation from the software. Thus, I am getting the error message below mentioned.

Given the specified frequency and model dimensions, an extremely large mesh will be required to produce an accurate solution. Your model and/or frequency units may be set incorrectly.

If anyone can help me to resolve this issue, I will be grateful..

Best Regards,


upload your .hfss file

I tried to atach the file from here but the exstension is not supported. Do u have an e mail so that i can send the file.

Rename the file, for example xxxxxx.hfss to

I tried but still not allowed..

I zipped and attached the file..

It sounds like you have tried to model an antenna that is very large when measured in cubic wavelengths and that is what the warning is telling you. HFSS is wonderful software but it can require huge computers to run effectively.

There are ways to mitigate the problem (in some cases). Look into symmetry and linked boundaries. You may also have too much detail in your model. It may be practical to remove some of the features (less RAM and mesh needed) and still get credible results.

As always, you could discuss the model and problem with the AE's at Ansoft. They are very helpful.

I look at HFSS as needing three people to keep it running; an engineer, a good IT person, and an application engineer.

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