HFSS Tutorial
William_cao> the IC Package / simulator isn't an ability of HFSS. You should use SIwave.
Edit: and a question for me...
A friend asked me :
"ok, here's your antenna structure.
Now, tell me, if I inject a 30V modulated signal here, at the feed point, what's happening?"
Here's a picture of the located problem:
**broken link removed**
The image contains 2 pictures:
- on the left, a inverted color of the structure, where my friend wanted me to put the voltage
- on the right, the normal color structure
I told him I cannot define a voltage port, in my structure.
Because the voltage port is defined for a surface, and the place he wanted me to put a voltage port is a volume (between 2 conductors, located by the red arrow).
My questions are:
- is it possible, in HFSS, to define a voltage port between 2 points from 2 different object, so not in the same surface ?
- does this makes a sense ???
Thanks a lot for your help !
Edit: apparently, if I "activate" surface#1 and surface#2, then I'm able to define a voltage between 2 surfaces. It's still calculating, but I don't have a clue if it'll converge or not...
Edit2: it does not converge at all.
So, let's turn to a lumped port... SOUNDS GOOD, it's working