HFSS error: Adaptive solution, process solver : Insufficient memory for subprocess "%

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Oct 31, 2005
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HFSS error: Adaptive solution, process solver : Insufficient memory for subprocess "%

I run a big mesh simulation in HFSS, therefore I upgraded my PC, from 1Gbyte RAM, to 3GByte!
However, when I run the simulation at frequencies of 2GHz and higher, after the 6th or 7th pass this error appears:

[error] Adaptive solution, process solver : Insufficient memory for subprocess "%3".

Although previously the programm warns me that the mesh is too big or the frequency is too high (something that happens either if you have 512MB RAM or 3GB )
the memory that is allocated at the specific pass is very low (~400MB) and does not seem to run out of memory.
Whatsmore, in the previous succesfull passes, the memory allocation does not exist 1.5GB.

Does anybody have a clue about tis error?

3gb hfss

We had trouble with the memory as well.
First of all you should check how much memory your mainboard ist able to handle. If it can handle only 2GB this means, it can adress 2GB. Some adresses are used for BIOS, Grafiksadapter, and so on. This could be the reason why you cannot use more than 1.5GB.
Check this out at the Windows System Properties.

In HFSS->Tools->Options a maximum RAM limit can be set. We leave these fields blank.

See the Setup Profile. How much RAM was used by the Solver in the last completed adaptive pass?

When this warning appears you should reduce the size of your model. If you want to simulate a broad range of frequencies, think of setting up more than one model. You should also always check the model for symmetry. HFSS provides good symmetry boundaries.

site:www.edaboard.com hfss memory error

There is no problem with the extra memory. As you wrote, in the windows system properties and during the booting, it is clear that the system can "see" all the 3GB of RAM.
Also there is no limit set by me in the HFSS memory allocation.
However, I noticed in the Ansoft website (in previous announces) that HFSS 9.2 supports up to 3GB memory allocation!!!
Does this mean that HFSS 9 has a lower memory allocation?
(I use HFSS 9)
Does anyone have an idea about that?

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