HFSS antenna designing software

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randy orton

Member level 1
Jan 19, 2011
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Hello to all

I am new to HFSS, and i want to design a printed loop antenna so i want to ask you like which kind of boundary and excitation i should select? i wanna to design antenna for a laptop so i just need a little bit support from you experts.

ThQs SV 1437 now atleast i can start my work, later on if i will face any problem i will disturb you
till than take care


I wanna to know that how can i apply radiation boundary lambda/4 away?
i got two major question:
1) for my application frequency is not fixed, i mean i need to vary my frequency from few MHz to 4GHz so how should i find my lemda
2) after finding lambda how can i apply it for radiation boundary?i mean when i will say HFSS to apply that boudary it is just asking me to write its "name", no other details it is asking me, so my question is do i need to draw "boundary box" such a way that it is lambda/4 time bigger than my antenna or is there any other way to assign a radiation boundary?

Take care

Hi randy orton,

Lamda/4 away for the lowest frequency in our appication. Draw a box which is lamda/4 away on the both sides and assign the boundary as radiation..

My antenna size is 65*10*0.8 mm^3 so i will make 1st box with that size and my minimum frequency is 900MHz so from that my lambda=0.333 so my another box for boundary should be 65.333*0.8333*0.833 is it correct?after making another box i will apply "waveport" as an excitation just by right clicking.

I did above procedure and got error message:
1)The faces selected for a wave port may not have anti-parallel outward normals
2)all faces selected to form a port source must lie on the same plane.

And i am designing the whole antenna in one side of axis, so is it supposed to be like that or it should be always on both side of the axis?
Does it matter that I make in XY plane or YZ or ZX?

Can you upload your design file?


I am just trying to design what they have done


  • multibend antenna.pdf
    1.7 MB · Views: 122
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